Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Another First Blog

This is an inspirational effort. 
I have been greatly impressed and inspired by some blogs and thus have been wanting to start a blog for sometime. 
In particular I am a fan of this blog  & this blog and am an avid reader of them, among a whole lot of other blogs. 
I am big time into subject based blogs too, and my day is incomplete without a customary visit to this blog and this blog.
About me:

As same or different as another person. 
Specifically, in my late twenties and I feel the days are just whizzing past me.
I work Monady to Thursday in one city and dash back home to another city 450 kms away, to have an extended weekend every week. (and no I am not in US, am in India)
And what do I do in all those extended weekends: eat, have lenghty family 'gup-shups', browse the net, update my current affairs and coochy coo my 10 year old Alsatian.